Software Engineer

About Me


Pleased to meet you and welcome! My name is Jerry Yeh and I'm a software engineer. I just finished my undergradate degree at New York University in computer engineering. Currently looking for jobs!

I have experience with python and fullstack development.


BenAna 🍌

BenAna or Benchmark Analysis was created using the Python based Django Framework. This application allows its users to upload python scripts and run analysis on it.

Uses Django Python and SQL

Dash Covid Project

Arcane Beyond

Using Dash Python framework and Plotly, this project visualizes COVID-19 rates in 2020. The intent of this project was to learn more about data visualizations in python using plotly. Project is hosted on Heroku with continous updats when its sources are updated. Data used for this project come from NYTimes and OWID.

Uses Python3 with Dash and Plotly.

Project Nibble

Nibble Productivity

This project was started as a solution for procrastination and poor time management. The app requires Google accounts sign-in and uses Google Calendar API to list upcoming events.

Uses a PERN stack.


Hunter Digitial / Sleepaway Camper

Software Engineer

June 2019 - August 2019

As a software engineer at this company, I led a small team of 2 people to complete the web app. The app was still in its early stages and required plenty of new features, debugging, and styling.

Used: AWS EC2, Redis, PostgreSQL, REST API, React-Redux, Express, SCSS, Bash


Software Engineer

June 2019 - July 2019

Cybersecurity is a major concern nowadays and should be taught to more people. I wrote simple Capture the Flag(CTF) challenges for students participating in a national technology conference.

Used: Docker, C, Python, Bash, Vagrant

Bask Technologies

Software Engineer Intern

June 2017 - August 2017

During this summer, I worked with a learning management system startup whose goal was to bring office hours online. I worked closely with others in a team of 4 people and was able to learn React.

Used: ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Express, Node


New York University

BSc Computer Engineering

Minor in Mathematics

Fall 2016- Spring 2020

Studying at NYU was a fun experience with lots of different exposures. I learnt programming and analysis skills that are important for my career.


Languages: Python, C/C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS/SCSS, SQL/PostgreSQL, Golang

Development: Git, bash, UNIX/LINUX scripting, reverse engineering, Raspberry PI, Arduino, AWS EC2, Docker, Heroku

Frameworks: React/Redux, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Django, Flask, D3, Dash